University of Hull – Carbon Management
Working alongside the University’s Energy Manager, we carried out an expert lead survey and analysis of the institutions’ energy use and carbon emissions. The Salix compliant analysis enabled the institution to commit to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) expected target reduction of 34% carbon dioxide emissions by 2020.
Scope of the project:
Develop a Salix compliant Carbon Management Plan to reduce carbon emissions from the University estate. Focus on current energy use, implementing thermal imaging techniques where applicable.
Project Results:
- Annual carbon saving of 2,408 tonnes of CO2 p.a. within Salix calculated parameters
- Annual cost savings of £515,000p.a.
- The site surveys generated an extensive and detailed compilation of energy saving projects, which through implementation will achieve a 34% CO2 reduction by end 2020.
- Renewable energy feasibility opportunities were identified across the site and onsite generation proposed.
Average Simple Payback: 2.7 years.
Environmental Strategies was instrumental in helping the University deliver its Carbon Management Plan by identifying, costing and then prioritising our carbon reduction projects. The staff are well educated, experienced professionals who carried out their work with a friendly manner.
Energy Manager, The University of Hull.